Fact Checker

The fact-checker bot is designed to analyze and evaluate the truthfulness of questions or claims based solely on available articles from the internet. It assigns a truthfulness rating based on consolidated data from these sources, ensuring that its analysis is rooted in existing information. Users can copy and paste headlines or captions from social media directly into the bot to verify their accuracy. The bot’s findings are purely objective and do not reflect the opinions of its developer. Users are encouraged to form their own opinions, particularly on sensitive topics like politics or religion.

This bot is not conversational and does not retain memory of previous chats. Each input is reassessed independently, making it ideal for one-off queries. For optimal performance, users should clear the chat history by clicking the trash can icon at the top right corner of the screen after each question.

Disclaimer: The bot’s assessments are based solely on the information available at the time of the query and may not include all perspectives. It is a tool to assist in gathering data and should not be the sole basis for decision-making, especially on critical or sensitive matters.

  • Hello, I'm here to help you evaluate the truthfulness of claims and information!
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