Mikrotik Firewall Script: Block Malicious IPs Using Firehol Level 1

Firetik is a network firewall script that utilizes a dynamic blacklist of malicious IP addresses. The blacklist is primarily sourced from Firehol, which aggregates data from multiple threat intelligence feeds. These feeds include:

Fullbogons: Unroutable IP addresses.
Spamhaus DROP and EDROP: Known spam and abuse sources.
Dshield: Top 20 attacking Class C networks.
Malware lists: Command and Control (C&C) IP addresses associated with malware.

Firetik provides robust protection against a wide range of network threats by leveraging the Firehol Levels 1-4 datasets.


Code: (copy each block and paste it to terminal)

Script which will download the drop list as a text file

/system script add name="DownloadFirehol" source={ /tool fetch url="https://binary.ph/firehol/firehol.rsc" mode=https; }

Script which will Remove old Firehol list and add new one

/system script add name="ReplaceFirehol" source={/file
:global firehol [/file get firehol.rsc contents];
:if (firehol != "") do={/ip firewall address-list remove [find where comment="firehol"]

/import file-name=firehol.rsc;}}

Schedule the download and application of the Firehol list

/system scheduler add comment="Download Firehol list" interval=1d name="DownloadFireholList" on-event=DownloadFirehol start-date=jan/01/1970 start-time=08:51:27

/system scheduler add comment="Apply Firehol list" interval=1d name="InstallFireholList" on-event=ReplaceFirehol start-date=jan/01/1970 start-time=08:56:27

Run the DownloadFirehol script for first-time setup

/system script run DownloadFirehol

Run the ReplaceFirehol script for first-time setup

/system script run ReplaceFirehol

Script to add the firehol list in Firewall Filter Rules

/ip firewall filter
add chain=forward action=drop comment="Firehol list" connection-state=new dst-address-list=firehol

#To effectively apply the blacklists, it’s recommended to target the internet-facing interface rather than implementing a global block, as the list contains private IPs. This ensures that the specified IP addresses are blocked solely on your WAN connection. For instance, if the internet connection is on ether1, set the Out. Interface to ether1. For setups with multiple internet connections, you can create an interface list under Interfaces > List, name it WAN, and use this list in the Out. Interface List field.

This script is only for Firehol_level1, you can read more about other levels here:

Firehol_level1: https://iplists.firehol.org/?ipset=firehol_level1
Firehol_level2: https://iplists.firehol.org/?ipset=firehol_level2
Firehol_level3: https://iplists.firehol.org/?ipset=firehol_level3
Firehol_level4: https://iplists.firehol.org/?ipset=firehol_level4

IPv6 Firewall: https://binary.ph/ipv6

You may contact me for support in applying other levels, see About page.

#Thanks to Joshaven for sharing his automated scripts and to Firehol.org for sharing their dynamic list of malicious IPs